Hey Dennis,

Please excuse me while I climb up on my soapbox for a moment;

"Have only done a quick 2 hour test, listening area at 102 -107 db"

Careful Man, LOUD is FUN! And I am as guilty as probably everyone on these pages. BUT...
This is from OSHA; "According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (1998), the maximum exposure time at 85 dBA is 8 hours. At 110 dBA, the maximum exposure time is one minute and 29 seconds."

You DO want to keep hearing the music, Right?
(Not to mention conversations in crowded restaurants!)
Take it from a guy wgho spent about 10 years in the 10th row of Dead shows. Hearing loss SUCKS!

OK, I'm down off the soapbox.

I'll bet those things sound Incredible!!!

BTW, I didn't see a post regarding wether you got everything hooked up in time for your listening demo party last weekend.
Did You?
How are you liking that 2900? Now that I've worked the (operator induced) bugs out of mine I am loving it.

Axioms; For when you've just Gotta have More Cowbell! 60s 150 350 8s 2is RX-V2500 DVD-C750 2900