Opening a can of worms here, only because these terms, related to speakers, probably have different meanings to different people. Here is MY interpretation (and ONLY my interpretation) of both of them. I'm sure others will share theirs.

BRIGHT - Though my Webster's defines the word as "clear or brilliant in color or sound;vivid or intense," which seems a positive quality, I think it has become a slightly pejorative term implying a harsh, or piercing quality to the treble response of a given speaker. In other words, it ain't a good thing.

FORWARD - My Webster's first definition says "at, toward, or of the front, or forepart. When the term is applied to a speaker, I've taken to interpreting this to mean the sound-stage created by the speaker seems slightly in front of the speakers; close to you, as opposed to a speaker which makes you feel the sound-stage is recessed or behind the speakers a little.

In my mind (and ONLY in my mind) the two can be slightly linked, in that bright speakers TEND to be forward, and vice versa. Though, the presence of one characteristic does NOT necessitate the presence of the other.

ONLY my interpretations.


"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - G. K. Chesterton