i almost had my wife sold on getting a new pair of M3's. here's my story.

we have converted the breakfast nook into a scrapbook room for my wife. she wanted a TV and stereo so she could watch DVD's or listen to music while she scraps. so i say, "we can just get some little bookshelf speakers, and hook them up using my old kenwood stereo." she is sold on the idea, but quickly adds, "well, we might not even need the whole stereo if you can just make the cd's play threw the TV".. ha, ha... silly woman, everybody knows you cant make a cd play on the TV... or can you? so, just for $hits and giggles, i get my 19inch bachelor TV(yes, i still have it) from the garage, and get my old sony DVD/CD player, and hook it up using the simple red-white-yellow RCA cables. pop in a DVD, push play, and viola--i have audio and video.. picture actually looked pretty good for a TV that had been stored in the garage for 6 years. then, the real test(which i didnt think would work). i put in a regular cd, hit play, and low and behold, i started getting sound from the TV speakers. 1st, i was surprised that it actually worked. 2nd, i was even more surprised that my wife had the insight to even suggest that we try it. i have to admit.. i would have never even thought to hook it up that way..

long story short, i got the TV hooked up in the scrap room. she can watch DVD's, or listen to CD's, and none of it cost me a dime. she is happy, and i guess i am happy to. but, i sure liked the idea of getting some M3's. at least while it lasted...
