Peter and John,

My crossover is set at 80 and the tones were run with my sub and all of my speakers turned on, even the suurounds. I was under the impression that it was correct to have them all on since the plot would determine how they all interacted with the sub. Please correct me if I am misunderstanding this concept.

Regarding the SPL: Since I had such initial high peaks I started with the 16hz tone registering at 70 on my meter. I had read about how hard it is on the voice coils if you run the tones too loud so I was afraid to push it too high. Is there a right or wrong number to start with regarding this as well?

All in all I like how it turned out and what I hear now but I don't want to be staisfied with that if it can even be better!

All constructive help and insight is appreciated.

Thanks guys..

PS John..yes the pink line is what my final target was and not the blue..Room size is 20x20 with a vaulted ceiling of 8-13 feet and if you looked at the pics the TV is directly across from the blue couch. So the subs are to the left of the main listening area in the corner.

Last edited by RickCathey; 04/19/05 12:24 PM.