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"7.1 stereo" which should have the side and back surrounds playing the front channel at equal loudness, assuming proper calibration. Re-check your manual, but with the correct settings for seven speakers and seven-channel stereo mode you should have experienced this.

JohnK is correct. In 7 or 5 channel stereo the 630 sends the same signal to all speakers. It should be noted however that the actual db put out drops as a result of the load placed on the HK.

I'm guessing here but if you want M22's to sound like M60's your going to have to raise the rear level at least +3 and maybe more. You are also going to run the risk of over driving the M22's if you get silly with the volume. If your going to be a die hard multi channel guy, send the M22's back and get another set of M60's. Problem solved!