Both the base and the top plates are exactly the same shape as the speaker.. including the short slants on the front.

There's a better look at them. It's just common pine and PVC pipe with some threaded rod holding them together. Speaker wire can be run up the back pillar. To make them, you'd need a saw where you could accurately cut angles (table saw or band saw etc) and a router or shaper. So if you can accurately cut a 7deg angle and a 50 deg angle, you'd be all set. The short front slants aren't quite 50 degrees, but it was easier to cut them that way .

I'll throw something together as far as instructions. As far as mail order, I'd have to charge a fortune to make it worth my while, and it's cheap and easy enough to make them with the right tools. Figure it cost me $40 to make them.. I probably spent 10 hours puttering around. I'm sure I could trim that down to 6. If I charged $6 and hour, that would be $36 on top of the $40 which would bring it to $76 pluss shipping. And I made minimum wage .

I do stuff like this for fun, so I'll post instructions on how to make them.

Last edited by rchiav; 03/18/03 09:01 PM.