You're right. I should have added "whatever floats your boat"! People can spend their money on whatever pleases them; it's their right and none of my business. I would encourage it.

My concern are the dealers who DO profit in continuing to propagate very expensive add-ons to people, based almost entirely on these myths that continue to be spread by people who haven't A/B'd them themelves. Those who are new to this hobby will spend money needlessly because they "read somewhere", that someone's cousin heard a difference. People in favor of these add-ons will say that I have my head buried in the sand and that I'm closed-minded. I'd counter that with: "If you think that it's not possible that you're hearing a change based upon perceived expectations, than I would say that your head is buried in the sand and that you're closed-minded. A/B them under controlled circumstances, then talk to me.

Let me ask this: Has anyone ever opened a high end magazine and read an ad for an add-on product that said: "We took 100 people into a room and, under controlled circumstances and double-blind testing procedures, 78 of them preferred the system that used our product?" I've never seen an ad like that. Why? Because the people that are making money by selling this crap won't run the tests! Their sales will be much better if they simply put a few quotes in there:
"I can't believe how your product just "opened up" my soundstage! The violins' warmth and texture overwhlmed me to the point of tears. Placing the small pyramid over the power supply in my disc transport was easy, and it's a conversation piece for my friends (who are astounded at the great sound as well). Thank You!"
MB, Toledo
So let me say again: If someone feels that they want to buy products like this, and they feel it increases their enjoyment, more power to them. But that doesn't mean I don't hold those dealers and manufacturers responsible for propagating myths that others will take on blind faith.

Who does it hurt? Well, my take on it is that if the hundreds or sometimes thousands of dollars that people pay for these items were instead put into better speakers, room treatments, more SACDs, a nicer or bigger TV, or even their kids college fund, they would go to a far better use.

And besides, dishonest people and those who market their products dishonestly p*ss me off, and this field is full of them.

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::