It plays audio very well. You can defeat the video, although I have no idea why it has that function. I like the Integra because it’s actually a six disk changer. One disk can be playing and I can open the carousel and load five new CD’s into it. I used to have an older Kenwood and I noticed a difference with SQ with the Integra over it. The Kenwood used a 12 bit DAC, the Integra uses a 24. The Kenwood would sometimes skip and stop playing on older disks with light scratches; the Integra plays them no problem. Again, no idea why or how. It just does. Onkio has one just like it, at a lower price……once again, I have no idea what the Integra has that the Onkio doesn’t besides a higher price tag.

Summery…..I’m an impulsive buyer that does not do nearly enough research before buying at times.

Here’s the web sight for you to cut and paste. I haven’t bothered to figure out how to post a link at this web sight. Dammm….I just re-read all that and realize I don’t know much……..