When I was looking at my sub purchase, it was down to the SVS 39" Ultra and/or the EP500. Without hearing either and not many reviews out on the EP500 or 600 it was down to the wire. When Axiom came out with their "5 year warranty" I was sold instantly. Now top that with the design of these subs and the depth they are capable of, it was a win win purchase.

I ended up purchasing the EP600 (caught up in the bigger is better)and it is unbelievable. I usually have it running on less then half of it's power capability and it is goes deeper then anything I've ever heard.

You can't go wrong adding this sub to any HT system.

M80 VP150 4-QS8 EP600 Monitor Audio S8 NAD T 773 Anthem MCA3 II Hitachi 57" projection