I went to BlueJeans for my cabling needs - but found that even their prices were twice or three times what I could get on eBay, at Rat shack or on Home Depot.

There really ain't nothin' special about the cable that you need, especially if your runs are fairly short (under 50 feet). I use 12 and 14 guage speaker wire throughour my system, which replaced the 18 guage wire which I was using for a time until the thicker guage stuff got delivered on eBay. Funny thing - when it arrived, it felt nicer, was definitely thicker, but sounded IDENTICAL to the dirt cheap 18 guage speaker wire.

If you must buy your cable pre-terminated or you feel that your system won't be complete unless you've spent some money on it etc., then go to Blue Jeans, or any other online retailer - but know that for the short runs that most of us are dealing with, there simply won't be any audible difference in the sound.