Ok - We have the system ready to order: Gloss Black M80's, VP-150, QS-8's and an EP-600. I am under orders to make the system family friendly. This means a receiver or separates with easy to operate front panel controls, as my kids are incapable of NOT losing a remote.

I also have get the electronics into an equipment rack upon which will sit a 70 inch TV, the frontrunner is the new JVC DILA set. Think low-boy in profile.

The H-K 7300 looks like a great match, as does the NAD T-773.

Any suggestions for furniture ? The H-K is 20 inches deep plus the needed clearance for cables, etc ... That seems a challenge. What I really need is something about 24 inches deep, with removable back panels, about 72 inches wide, and 24 inches tall.