Kevin, that was my first impression as as well; "incredibly shrill" would be the words I'd use. What I'm not sure about now is it may have been operator error. I got a NAD T512 DVD player at the same time as the T742 and I connected the DVD out to DVD inputs on the receiver. I now wonder if I should have connected to the CD input because I was playing audio CDs. Maybe the DVD inputs do some kind of Dolby Voodoo.

I'll find out soon enough. The T742 emergency surgery is a success; just set the output stage collector bias and it is being sutured up right now. Hopefully I won't have that one screw left over, wondering where it should have gone and was it important.

The damage was a 2SC5198, 2SA1941, a pair of 2SC1845s, an MPSA06, MPSA56 and two 0.22 Ohm, 5W resistors. Pretty much every semi in that power amp channel. I'm kind of appalled that single-sided phenolic boards are used. I had expected double-sided, plated thru hole fiberglass boards.

The SVS 20-39 just arrived, so I'll see in a day or two how everything will sound now.
