happy New year i am not ban HA!

i lerk hare and don post excep when i have fact to teach.
I have proof vynil is best? remeber the voyager space ship it has gold LP of rock on it so any allen life can here true world top audiopile sound see? they no send cd that proofs cd sound is bad scintests dont like cd to!

and other proof are i used to stop my truck anyplace and fine audiopile stero shops or record shops on my route when I first am here, now no more record shop an no more audiopile stereo shops. now that cd is here all are gone see?cd kill audiopile music
now web pros have there proof cd is no good an vynil is true world the best i hope every audiopile go back to lp!
you see? proof! ha!


#1 Audiopile. music make everything. copy kill music. REFLECT!