I dont discount Paul Mcgowans years of industry experience, but be very careful with his videos. They are full of soft science and in the end are intended to comfort you into buying from him. He is a marketer and businessman first. He is a waffler and a vague dreamer but little else in those vids. His products test mediocre and are very expensive for what you get. Often he doesnt even answer the question....

The M5s will test favourably vs the T5s in the right room. I have worked with PSB product in installs. Nothing special when compared with Axiom. Just another option.

I often help with installs with well heeled home owners. They could buy anything they want. Recently purchased some M5s after years of being on the boards. I now push Axiom for my installs.

I would say the M5HPs are about the best you are going to do in that cabinet size for the price and recommend them highly.