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Posted By: metalaaron Axiom - Paradigm (yes yes, another one) - 03/14/04 03:12 PM
I know you guys probably get tired of the above subject line, but I am in a situation where axiom might be the best decision.
first jump into home theatre was w/ v.2 paradigm monitor 7s, mini monitors, cc370, and pdr-12. i really did enjoy this setup. especially for the price. it did its job well.
i wanted to try something new and sold them on ebay...
then, i tried rockets (new and used). the sound was not for me and the veneers were not impressive when you got up close.
so, now i'm returning/selling the rocket setup and trying to decide if i should go back to my preference of paradigm or jump into the axiom world.
one concern is that the only way of obtaining paradigms for myself is through ebay. my nearest dealer is 100 miles away and won't budge on his prices. i was originally thinking about going for the following setup of paradigm; cc470, studio 60, studio 20.
the dimensions of the room - 14x13 w/ a vaulted celing
seating distance ~9ft

any recommendations and/or experience is greatly appreciated!

thanks guys
Posted By: Grexx Re: Axiom - Paradigm (yes yes, another one) - 03/14/04 03:39 PM
What is your budget? I auditioned the Paradigm Studio 60 last week and I think it's pretty well built.(SOLID) I was impressed at the clarity of lows and midtones. I turned up the volume and I notice some breakage. (tinny sound). The sales rep also told me that the Studio series is also Vinyl like the Axioms. I don't think it's worth that much ($1900 CAD). I'am not being bias about this because I'm in the same boat. I don't have the Axioms yet but already ordered them this morning (M60ti). I have no clue on how the M60 will compete with the Studio 60. This is why they have a 30 day money back guarantee. I will let you know how it compares to the studio 60's.
Posted By: JSkip Re: Axiom - Paradigm (yes yes, another one) - 03/14/04 04:02 PM
My brother has Monitor 7's, CC-370, PDR-12 and Atoms for the surrounds. I liked how they sound in his room, which is small-->medium (something like 10' X 15'). I started out auditioning them. His setup would cost me about $1700 US (I live in NJ). My concern was in the size of my room, which is 16' X 24' with a 16' cathedral ceiling. I did not think that setup would "work" in my room which is about 3500 cu. ft. larger.

Moving up the Paradigm line got real pricey. I also looked at the B&W line. The only affordable solution there was bookshelves and I was not convinced they would work anyway.

I stumbled upon Axiom, how I don't know since I NEVER heard of them before. I got M60s, VP150 and QS8s. I'll get the sub in the near future. Anyway, I've had these for 30 days (I guess they're mine now!) They're great!!! I can not remember the last time I listened to as much music, or watched as many movies as I do now.

I hope this helps. Good Luck!

Posted By: spiffnme Re: Axiom - Paradigm (yes yes, another one) - 03/14/04 06:26 PM
I replied to your PM, but just to drive it home...

M60ti mains
VP150 center
QS8 surrounds

You've got 30 days to fall in love with them...just let them try to get them back from you. In all my time on these boards, I don't recall anyone hearing both Paradigm and Axioms and deciding to keep the Paradigms. Both are good, but the Axioms are a bit better and a LOT cheaper.

Good luck and let us know how it turns out.

I upgraded from Mini-Monitors (v.2) to Axiom M60's. I won't bother telling you the difference between them in regard to low frequency performance, since it's not fair to compare a tower to a bookshelf speaker's low-end performance. But the mids and highs were much clearer and detailed on the Axiom's.

I've read from others that the v.3 Paradigms sound considerably better than the v.2's, but I can't personally attest to this. I still suspect the Axioms are the better deal when price is considered.

Posted By: snippy Re: Axiom - Paradigm (yes yes, another one) - 03/14/04 07:28 PM
Most people say the Axioms compare best to Paradigm's Studio Series. Which are much more expensive than Axiom speakers. So if you are worried about the comparison between Monitor, Performance, or Cinema series, Axiom have been repeatedly found to be better.
I love the M60's. Better than Paradigm Reference. And they're less expensive. And the custoemr service is better.
thanks guys.
i might give this a swing this week

everyone seems to recommend qs8 for surrounds.
i'd like to, eventually, complete my 7.1 capabilities. would 4 qs8's be too diffused? should i stick with 4 M2i's?
I think lots of folks are recommending 2 M2s and 2 QS8s, actually, for 7.1
Posted By: tonygeno Re: Axiom - Paradigm (yes yes, another one) - 03/14/04 09:05 PM
Have you shared your decision with the boys on the av123 forum? I'm sure they'll tell you to get your head examined or some such .
Posted By: spiffnme Re: Axiom - Paradigm (yes yes, another one) - 03/15/04 02:17 AM
The Rockets sound SO much different than Axioms it comes down to taste. I love the Axiom sound, and HATE the rockets. Others feel the opposite. I think the only people that need their heads examined are the rare few that hear both and say they like both. I'm not sure how that's possible.
I don't know- I like both sugar and salt.

But I get your point.
just returned my rockets and now i'm barreling down on a decision between the following systems;
m60ti, vp150, qs8s, and m2
studio 60s, cc470, adp470, and studio 20s

my paradigm hookup has e-mailed me a few prices of the studio series. it will cost more to acquire the studios. especially once shipping is figured in.

i saw a few posts where people mentioned an 'Sss' sound from their vp150. is this a problem, and can it be fixed?

i'm stuck between a very large rock and a very hard place. the axioms are very appealing because of the price. on the other hand, i've owned the paradigm monitor series before and i know that i like the paradigm sound.
Posted By: Ken.C Re: Axiom - Paradigm (yes yes, another one) - 03/17/04 04:59 PM
There is a quantum leap between the Axiom sound and the Monitor sound. Needless to say, the Paradigms are good, but the Axioms make you say "Wow!" Or at least, they may me say that. :-) Having only heard the Studio 100s (which I wasn't impressed with), I can't really speak to the Paradigm line. But I suggest you get the M60s (or the M2s!) and check them out.
In reply to:

i saw a few posts where people mentioned an 'Sss' sound from their vp150. is this a problem, and can it be fixed?

The VP150, like any other speaker, just converts electrical signals into sound waves. So if someone has described this speaker as having a hissing sound, then the hiss originated in their equipment. I suppose the extra clarity of the Axiom lineup will expose any hiss in the equipment that perhaps wasn't noticeable before.

Posted By: Ken.C Re: Axiom - Paradigm (yes yes, another one) - 03/17/04 07:13 PM
It can also reproduce bad mastering very accurately. From reading these boards, I think that's the source of the sibilance that people report.
Posted By: Ray3 Re: Axiom - Paradigm (yes yes, another one) - 03/17/04 07:40 PM
A search on "sibilance" or "sibilant" here might yield a solution. I remember reading something here recently that suggests that moving the center forward or backwards (don't remember) in relation to the fronts fixes the issue.
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