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Sorry, couldn't resist the title.

I'm bummed that Chicago didn't get the games for 2016, and I was stunned that they were dropped in the first round of voting. I can see giving the games to Rio, as it would be the first country from South America to host the Olympics.

After NYC failing to get the 2012 games, and Chicago failing to get the 2016 games, I wonder who'll try for the 2020 games? Man, that's a long way away.

I've been chatting with Facebook friends about how Americans usually expect to win everything, so I want to make clear that I'm not saying that we're entitled to this or that year's games, but it'd be good to see them over here again sometime before I'm too old to care. And Winter Olympics don't count.
You killed their server. It doesn't respond!

If that’s the same video I saw a few days back of a skier getting trapped by an avalanche... I’m not clicking :-) pretty intense video, heads up if you’re claustrophobic, heck I’m not claustrophobic and couldn’t breath watching that video.

Chicago‘16 I think was a long shot, the competition was pretty good. Sending BarakObama was a somewhat desperate move by the Chicago organizing committee IMHO .
I think it was the Penny Arcade guys who killed the server, that's where I found the link originally.

And yeah, it is that video. It didn't bother me until I read the text describing what the sounds were--his breathing, and swallowing. Then I got a little freaked out, but he was out of the snow pretty quick.

Yeah, it's the same video. Intense is a good description. Of course it makes sense when you think of it, but I really didn't realize that your body is so compressed when your under that much snow (even though it seemed to be just a few feet), that you can't move or breath much. Wow. That would be a life-changing experience for me!

Hmm, from wikipedia (it must be true!):

On July 10, 2007 it was revealed that the Canadian Olympic Committee had begun work on a potential bid for the 2020 or 2024 games for Toronto. This would be Toronto's third bid for the Summer Olympics, after unsuccessful bids for the 1996 and 2008 games.


Maybe Axiom could land a sweet speaker deal?!
Generally, I don't support the Olympics. Too much cheating and $$ involved.
I have a love/hate relationship with the Olympics. I love watching sports, but I hate how we can magically pull money out of our asses to build infrastructure for an event and athletes (most of them) that does, nor do nothing for the betterment of society at the feet of indigents that should've been looked after first.

Hope that sentence makes sense.
And Winter Olympics don't count.

You mean there are olympics in the summer?
Thats scary!! I have done a fair bit of out-of-bounds skiing and we were always very, very cautious. My favourite way to get fresh powder runs was to follow the avalanche patrol and wait for their all clear (this was around the resort at Lake Louise AB).

I've gone down chutes that were just 'bombed' by the patrol.
Hope that sentence makes sense.

Well said,anyway. \:\)

I am relieved that "we" lost. I would have been all for it.......years, ago.
Now, with all the Chicago politics, and the huge local financial burdens, price increases,and taxes,that would have come with it, I think we dodged a bullet.

Chicago lost? Oh no there goes IL. Seriously, King Richard has never done any project on budget and then sticks his subjects to foot the bill through higher taxes and fees. This would have burdened the entire citizenry of IL. as we all end up getting stuck with bills from the city that has nothing to do with us.

It would have ended up with typical Chicago crapping on the rest of the state. I have no use for the city or the mayor. I'm glad they got their asses kicked.
Whenever Obama and his entourage was in Copenhagen maybe he should have offered to buy all of their old cars in exchange for the Olympics.

\:D Good one Rick!!

"Olympics for Clunkers"
I was surfing today and came across this one.... kind of made my stomach turn.
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