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Posted By: Peakjunkie New World's Largest Axiom Installation - 08/11/07 03:23 AM
Thought I'd share our new Axiom installation with the forum while also taking my plea public to Ian to SEND ME AN AMPLIFIER PRONTO!! I've got tears streaming down my face begging 'cause there's unused Axioms dyin' on the walls in need of some sweet Muskoka power.

Hope you enjoy the install pics and text:

Axiom speakers, axioms cables, axiom speaker connectors, Sherwood Newcastle electronics
Posted By: St_PatGuy Re: New World's Largest Axiom Installation - 08/11/07 04:18 AM
Ian, we're all coming to your place for a barbeque.

Nice house, and nice set-up!
Posted By: Theo Re: New World's Largest Axiom Installation - 08/11/07 11:44 AM
Wow, gorgeous place, Ian!! Heck, you should have been the first person to get the new A-1400-8...what an Axiom showcase!

If you need a "house sitter" during your next vacation...let me know!

Posted By: Stymie Re: New World's Largest Axiom Installation - 08/11/07 11:54 AM
That is feak'n awesome Ian! I've been toying with the idea on how to minimize the intrusion of equipment and such into the room as well and one of the things that I came up with is almost exactly same thing that you did for the main theater. At least now I know that I'm not the only one out there off his rocker.

Eventually, I'll replace my CRT TV with an LCD and move the audio equipment to a inwall cabinet. Once done, I want to get some W22's as well. Like you, one of my plans included four W22s for the L/R combo, but I was thinking about using two additional W22s horizontally for centers. I had also thought about inverting the top W22s for the L/R so that the tweeters were closer together. Not sure it would make a difference though. The logos would be upside down too.

In any case, I can't wait to hear your reviews of your setup with the new Axiom amp. Please don't disappoint us. Again, awesome setup Ian.
Posted By: Wid Re: New World's Largest Axiom Installation - 08/11/07 01:00 PM
I would try and run the set up with the Sherwood Newcastle. Alan has said on many occasions the Sherwood Newcastle will handle 4 ohm no problem.

Nice place.

I would try and run the set up with the Sherwood Newcastle. Alan has said on many occasions the Sherwood Newcastle will handle 4 ohm no problem.

Nice place.

The dual W150's running at 3 ohms are what killed it. This setup is just plain rude to throw at an amp:

Dual W150's at 3 ohms
Dual W22's at 4 ohms
QS8's at 6 ohms

Enter, the Axiom death-star amp to remedy the situation.

I'll be pairing it with an Onkyo 905 which has dual HDMI outs to power a 32" Sharp GP1U in kitchen. We'll then use the leftoever receiver channels to power the library and M2's in the garage.
Posted By: Wid Re: New World's Largest Axiom Installation - 08/11/07 02:02 PM

So you did try it?
Posted By: RickF Re: New World's Largest Axiom Installation - 08/11/07 02:14 PM
I ran a VP100 in parallel with a VP150 for a 3.4 ohm load to an HK 635 without nary a problem ... I'd give it shot. Worst case scenario is that the amp will go into protect mode.

Awesome house!
Posted By: Mojo Re: New World's Largest Axiom Installation - 08/11/07 02:41 PM

That's a lovely place. It reminds me a lot of my home country.

You could put the speakers in series and turn the gain up. With regard to BrotherBob's set-up, if you connect two speakers with different impedances, the one with lower impedance will be louder. They most likely have different phase characteristics as well and that would probably affect imaging.
Posted By: tomtuttle Re: New World's Largest Axiom Installation - 08/11/07 05:26 PM
Spectacular home, Ian. Thank you very much for giving us a peek.

I was steadied by your disclosure, or I might have thought you were THE Ian McLagan. Or perhaps you are, and my hopelessly myopic world view is at fault.

Have any interesting stories in that regard?
Thanks guys - I thought I'd share and hopefully inspire a few more to "hide the cables."

The cost-effective design solution Axiom provided is beyond belief. I initially contacted Axiom a few years ago saying I was thinking about using some "in-wall" speakers and Ian cursed and then told me about his soon to be relased "on-wall" speakers. The rest speaks for itself (well it speaks when I feed it power and half are still muted because I still don't have my Axiom amp!!). Did I mention that before?

I would have liked to have our rears mounted lower in the main theater, but the ceiling mounts and having them point down has worked fine for imaging.

We really like our three new EP400's in the bedrooms and library. Just the ticket for smaller rooms or rooms where things need to stay hidden. I'll stack those with some M22's against most anything out there.

The best part is that the speakers throughout the house are pretty much "invisible". I like the fact that most guests never comment on them as they're the opposite of what I was told as a kid - they're to be heard and not seen.

Yes, there's 2 Ian McLagan's in the world - he's the famous one, I'm the one with the kick-butt Axiom set-up. I have a degree in jazz performance so yes, we've had some fun over the years with me getting some nice comps.
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