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Ya I saw that earlier I cannot wait, its going to be amazing...
Now, where is the Star Wars trilogy. I would love to have the new and old trilogy on blu-ray. And what about all of the titles that were already available on hddvd, where are they at. If it is already released on hddvd, isn't it just a matter of running off copies to blu-ray's instead? All the hard work is done, or am I missing something?

- Nick
Oh, don't worry, Star Wars will be coming just about a year before blu-ray is rendered obsolete, complete with re-re-re-re-remastered edition in which Obiwan does not chop people in half, cut off people's arms, and doesn't even turn on his lightsaber when Vader kills him. Then Vader apologizes, because as we all know, he's actually a nice guy, if a tad whiny. So that's where Luke got it!
Indeed, the lightsabers will be replaced with walkie-talkies.
Sweet! Now I just need a bluray player! I would rather see star wars come than LOTR, but I will def pick it up.

I am going to nab a bluray player soon... just waiting until a good model is out at a reasonable price.
 Originally Posted By: terzaghi

I am going to nab a bluray player soon... just waiting until a good model is out at a reasonable price.
Isn't that the 40gb PS3 or at least that's what Sony wants you to believe.
Thanks for sharing the news. I'm glad they are not doing the Star Wars thing. Well said Ken. Funny cause it's true.

I'm a HUGE star wars fan but I don't care if the new trilogy ever comes out on BD. I'd be totally satisfied if they make a special effects, sample/demo disk as there are lots of impressive sound and visual effects but as for the stories. It's like he wrote them each really quickly, just so he could say he finally did it.

'I' was turned into something worse than an episode of Barney with that despicable J.J. Binks. 'II' was such a mish mash of broken plots it was pathetic. III wasn't as bad but I still couldn't get by the totally worst actor ever which is Hayden Christenson. I might have actually enjoyed III somewhat except for him. When I drug my wife to go see it, as an ex-nurse, she kept asking why he couldn't have stopped taking his prozac for a few days while they were filming.

As a side note, the casting director for III, "Christine King" is also responsible for deciding that Nicholas Cage would make a good Ghost Rider. No offense Nicholas but you just were not made to pull off the whole biker warrior of Satan thing.

(Semi-interesting side note: my spell checker insisted that I capitalize the "S" in satan. I always suspected my laptop was innately evil.)

Actually, she didn't originally cast Hayden in II so she can't be blamed for him entirely, but he was a relative newbie to big budget films before II. So it was a bit of a lost gamble by a casting director who only had 4 other films behind him, thus being a bit of a gamble himself.

George Lucas, I give you one last chance. I'm going to see Indiana Jones tonight. I am confident or at least hopeful that Spielberg will be able to pull your butt out of the Sesame Street like world you fell into.

I guess I should really have my first coffee before I post.
I thought I was the only one who thought that Hayden Christenson's performance was the worst acting jobs since Earnest.
 Originally Posted By: anthony11
Indeed, the lightsabers will be replaced with walkie-talkies.

Good one! Nice reference to E.T.'s remastering ...
You mean I might have to watch them again?? I think I'll wait for the holographic remaster.
I almost purchased the original Star Wars Trilogy a couple years ago when they came out with the editions that had the original theatrical versions and the new doctored versions. I immediately purchases these dvd's when I saw them in the store. I'm glad I decided to check and see if these versions of the star wars trilogy were good copies online before I opened them (I used which is an amazing site). The original versions were not remastered ones, but copies off of the old full screen laserdisc's. Well, they were returned to the store. Who is Lucas trying to please with this half-assed cut and paste job, I surely wasn't. I hope that if the new Blu-ray versions of these come out then they will rectify this problem. Hopefully this is what we are waiting for. We are waiting for good high def transfers of both the theatrical and doctored versions with a good uncompressed audio option for both. If that is the case then it should be the last Star Wars that fans will ever have to buy. It can't get much better than that. Blade Runner just got better treatment than what I am asking for this past year (thankfully), so why not Star Wars.

- Nick
 Originally Posted By: Murph

George Lucas, I give you one last chance. I'm going to see Indiana Jones tonight. I am confident or at least hopeful that Spielberg will be able to pull your butt out of the Sesame Street like world you fell into.

Good luck with that, perhaps choose a different film that involves george lucas if you are giving him one last chance...
 Originally Posted By: jakewash
 Originally Posted By: terzaghi

I am going to nab a bluray player soon... just waiting until a good model is out at a reasonable price.
Isn't that the 40gb PS3 or at least that's what Sony wants you to believe.

I am probably going to pick up a PS3 in the states for my blu-ray player. The only thing that it doesn't do at the moment is internally decode DTS-HD Master audio codec. I believe that once more films are released with this, Sony will release a firmware update with this capability.
Murph, you nailed it. "Sesame Street" is a good descriptor. It seems that today you much insert burps and farts into any movie to cater to kids. Remember the original Star Wars movies? People loved them for the new creative ideas and story telling, not because Yoda passed gas, or because C3PO "oiled" himself.

The "remakes," as I call them, of EP4, 5, & 6 all have these dumb background "events" that are stupid. The jawa falling off that lizard creature in Mos Isley, or the random burps and farts that they added. Stupid!

As for Indy, I enjoyed the movie, but keep in mind that the previous Indy movies all had a certain level of satire and comedy to them that people today tend to have forgotten about. Sure, he is 20 years older, but he is Indiana Jones! He can still kick butt! The situations that they are in no real person would survive, but this is Indiana Jones! If you wanted reality, you wouldn't be watching this flick.

There is a general "far fetched" (depending on your thoughts on certain "historical" events from 1947 in Roswell, NM) theme here that has never been touched in an Indy film before. In the past it was the Ark, then the Sankara Stones, then the Holy Grail, now Crystal Skulls, but they sure don't look "human"...

I think you are mistaken about the dts master audio on the PS3. With firmware update 2.30 it can now decode dts ma and send it as pcm over hdmi. I updated my PS3 about a month ago. It can now internally decode all of the new audio formats and send to as pcm over hdmi. They sound very good by the way. I just watched the new Rambo last night in dts ms and it sounded great. It is official, the PS3 is now the best and cheapest blu-ray player around.

- Nick
The PS3 does do DTS Master audio, they came out with another upgrade to 2.35 on May 15, I'm not exactly sure what it does.
I watched the new Rambo also the other night in DTS Master 7.1, good sound, very graphic, also the first time I've ever seen a claymore explode like a small nuke \:D
As for Indy, I enjoyed the movie,

I took the boys last Thur. to see it, we all really enjoyed it.
I think other than the original this was my favorite of the series.
I am pleasantly suprised that it decodes DTS-HD MA. THe AVS boards must be out of sync with real life, I have seen nothing on those boards about this update. Sweet!
I think the PS3 will be too loud... plus i am not sure if I can swing another gaming system past the GF. I really don't want to have to watch bluray movies with the controller though. I actually like my denon 3808 remote and use it for my hd dvd player... would like to do the same with a bluray player.

I haven't completely ruled out the ps3 as a bluray player...

Loud as in the machine itself? I haven't ever heard mine going in any situation myself.

Do we need to direct you to this ? You just need to get creative! ;\)
 Originally Posted By: terzaghi
I think the PS3 will be too loud... plus i am not sure if I can swing another gaming system past the GF. I really don't want to have to watch bluray movies with the controller though. I actually like my denon 3808 remote and use it for my hd dvd player... would like to do the same with a bluray player.
I haven't completely ruled out the ps3 as a bluray player...

My PS3 is on par with XBOX360 in terms of loudness. When the fan kicks in, it's quite loud (40GB model). Well, let me qualify the statement. When I play GTA4, the fan kicks in quickly and stays on for a LONG time. I haven't really tried too many blu-ray movies because I have a Samsung 1400 that does a nice job.

So make sure you consider the fan noise if you guys are planning on using the PS3 as a BD player.
Actually, the newer models of the 40GB supposedly have fixed the problem. My brother got a 40GB PS3 about 3 weeks ago and called to ask me why I had prepared him for such a loud machine. According to him, it runs fairly cool and almost never goes into "jet engine mode" like my 60GB from about a year ago does. Honestly, getting rid of the excessive heat and noise is s almost enough for me to sell mine and buy one of the newer ones.
 Originally Posted By: Hutzal
 Originally Posted By: Murph

George Lucas, I give you one last chance. I'm going to see Indiana Jones tonight. I am confident or at least hopeful that Spielberg will be able to pull your butt out of the Sesame Street like world you fell into.

Good luck with that, perhaps choose a different film that involves george lucas if you are giving him one last chance...

Hey Hutz,
Not sure I get your meaning here. His name is all over it.
Story By....
Based on Characters By...
Executive Producer

That aside.
Saw it last night. Thoroughly enjoyed it for what I expected it to be. An old fashioned action adventure full of stunts and (as mentioned above) less than realistic survivals from impossible odds. Harrison Ford was still the definitive Indie Jones. No younger man could have done it better.

However, I'm not sure I enjoyed where they went with it for the ending.

Spoiler but only if you think hard about it.

I don't want to give it away but I think most people will guess where the ending is going after the opening scenes. It was OK but going in that direction just didn't seem to fit the genre as well as I would have liked. Although I know there are many theorists who would say it's very plausible based on ancient drawings and paintings.

Also, it seemed a bit of direct rip off from another movie that definitely did better fit the ending. There were even many other similarities. Killer bees to Killer ants, etc...
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