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Posted By: pmulvey girlfriend doesn't like stands for m22s - 08/06/04 08:03 PM
I have had the m22s for about 2 weeks now. I am very happy with the sound particularly for acoustic instruments and vocals. Slightly less great when dealing with electronic instruments and poor cds but I was warned of this. The bass was perfectly described by Axiom's Alan as 'pleasant'. I would be tempted to say that the m22s don't color the music but do color my listening habits a little.

My only real problem is the look of the ss16 stands - the base doesn't look great to me and my girlfriend hates it. So I am trying to decide on what to do
a) get nicer stands - seen a few on the web but nothing which looks a whole lot better
b) get m40s - emotionally against going from 3 drivers to 2 so this is out
c) get m50s - extra money doesn't seem extortionate but bit worried the sound may actaully be a step down in clarity from what I have now - I have read some of the comparisons and some indicate the loss of detail is only likely to be noticeable in a strict a/b comparison, others say it is very striking - obviously this is rather subjective thing :-(
d) get the m60s - this is way more than I ever intended spending at the outset of my speaker buying adventure but maybe it is a good long term investemnt. Even if I do break the bank, slight concern with m50s and m60s is that I won't be sitting far enough away from these speakers - I will have the speakers about 7 feet apart and my ears will be about 9 feet from the front of each speaker ( room is about 20x13x8)

any thoughts welcome
Posted By: Ken.C Re: girlfriend doesn't like stands for m22s - 08/06/04 08:12 PM
Having compared the M50s and the M22s, you probably won't notice the difference unless you compare them side by side. Of course, if you do notice the difference and prefer the M22s, you'll be miserable.

There are some good stands at

I had the same issue you did--"boxes on sticks" have extremely low WAF, which is part of the reason I got the M50s. That and good reviews, and the same thought process you went through about the 40s.
Posted By: bigjohn Re: girlfriend doesn't like stands for m22s - 08/06/04 08:19 PM
i think the 40's would be a downgrade from what you have now.. the 50's and 60's IMO would be an improvement, but they will sound different.. that doesnt mean bad, just different.. you will definitely get a better bass/low end response with the 50's or 60's.. and the highs and mids are still there, dont worry bout that.

9 feet is plenty of room in front of the speakers.. there is a volume control ya know..

if you dont wanna spend on new speakers, make sure you do a good search for stands.. there are some really nice ones out there. check here and here. there is a great selection on both those sites.

if all else fails.... SELL THE GIRLFRIEND!!!

EDIT- dang it ken.. quit stealing my links.....

Posted By: Ken.C Re: girlfriend doesn't like stands for m22s - 08/06/04 08:27 PM
Look at the post times, buddy...
Posted By: dmn23 Re: girlfriend doesn't like stands for m22s - 08/08/04 06:09 PM

Interesting comment about how the M22s color your listening habits. I feel exactly the same way. I've got 600+ CDs in my collection but I find myself avoiding a lot of them because they just don't sound right anymore. And then I can pop the same CDs in the car stereo and they sound fine. Not blindingly accurate, of course, but much more in line with the "sound" I remember. The trend seems to be that recordings are getting much better, but I hate having to avoid stuff just because the recording is poor or the Axioms are too revealing.
Posted By: BigWill Re: girlfriend doesn't like stands for m22s - 08/08/04 11:00 PM
I definitely experienced the same thing with my M60s, but now - 1 1/2 years later - even those CDs I tagged as bad recordings are at least listenable. Either the speakers broke in or my ears got broken in. There are still a few CDs that suck too hard to listen.
Posted By: bigjohn Re: girlfriend doesn't like stands for m22s - 08/09/04 01:48 PM
bigwill- i pulled out some of my old cd's back from the 80's, and was listening to them this weekend while we were cleaning the house. i was shocked and surprised at just how BAD some of those old recordings were.. and i am talking that 80's, hollow, echoey heavy metal.. scorpions, ratt, motley crue, dio, twisted sister, quiet riot, dokken, etc. i was appaled at how bad it sounded. my wife even made the comment, "gee, i really used to like this cd"..

a few that sounded pretty good, but not great by todays standards.. def leppard, iron maiden, and tesla..

what a difference a speaker makes!!

Oh great, that's not what I'm needing to hear after deciding on and purchasing the M22's. lol

Being a musician and mostly preforming hard music, when I do listen to music, that's what I generally like to listen to, hard rock.

Well, shoot, so the M22's are not a hard rock speaker. Well, that's alright, music was never my primary focus anyways. I'm mostly a movie buff and that's what I build my system around, home theater, not so much music.

I wonder if my sub will help make a difference once I get it? That'll be interesting to see once I get it and fire up AC/DC, Kiss, or somebody.

Sutter Cane
Posted By: bigjohn Re: girlfriend doesn't like stands for m22s - 08/10/04 03:18 PM
suttercane- i have M60's, not the 22's, but you will still have the same prob.. and its not just rock, its ANY music that has been recorded badly.

i think you will be pleasantly surprised with how GOOD AC/DC sounds, but you will hate the way KISS sounds. KISS's early recording with casablance are not good at all..

Posted By: BigWill Re: girlfriend doesn't like stands for m22s - 08/10/04 04:20 PM
The album covers sure were bitchin' though!
I attest to Kiss sounding bad but AC/DC sounding good.

Some recordings will pleasantly surprise you.

By the way, I used to have M22's and I listen to a lot of hard music and it sounded great. I don't buy the 'they are not rock speakers' business. Get a decent sub with them and they will be terrific.

Posted By: pmbuko Re: girlfriend doesn't like stands for m22s - 08/11/04 01:06 AM
I agree. M22s really sound their best with a great sub to back them up. Turn it up!
Ok, well that's awsome to know that AC/DC sounds good, they're one of my favs.

Can you clear something up for me though? Does all of Kiss cd's sound bad, or just their early stuff?

Most of my Kiss collection is all fairly current stuff. I do have a few of their cd's that came out in the 80's, and as far as their older stuff goes, I have Unmasked, Destroyer, and Creatures Of The Night.

A lot of my Kiss cd's got stolen not that long ago and I had to replace them. All but a selective few have been digitally remastered.

Sutter Cane
Posted By: Todd SC........the early KISS CD's........ - 08/11/04 02:50 PM
All of the early CD's now have been re-mastered. KISS, DRESSED TO KILL and HOTTER THAN HELL. ALIVE, the preminent Live album of all time is also re-mastered. I unforutnately have all of these without that process. I don't think they sound that bad. I do have DESTROYER and ROCK "N" ROLL OVER remastered and they are just fine. If I were you, I would go with the re-mastered versions. Amazon always have good two for deals with alot of stuff and also some reviews talk of the remastering of the discs. Its nice to have another KISS fan on here. Been a fan since 1974. I just saw their tour with Poison. They still kick it out. I do miss ACE and PETER though. I hope this helps.........
Hey thanks alot Todd, yeah that helps out a lot. lol

I got my new Axioms on Friday, but I've just been so darn busy I haven't had time to even unbox them, not alone get any work done down in my ht room. I have opened them though, I couldn't wait to at least check them out and everything. lol

As I've mentioned before, I plan on taking this weekend off so I can hopefully at least get some work done down there. Once I get the rest of the equipment I need, unfortunately my speakers weren't the only things I had to sell off, but once I replace everything else I'm needing, you can bet I'll fire up a few discs.

Thanks for the info, I appreciate it bud.

Sutter Cane
Posted By: bigjohn Re: SC........the early KISS CD's........ - 08/14/04 03:26 PM
i agree with todd.. if you have some of the 'first issue' cd's of KISS, then you will be less than impressed.. but if you search for the 'remastered' versions, and pay the few xtra bucks, they sound much better.

i got to see KISS a few years back on the 'farewell tour'(yea right?), with all of the original members.. then i took my wife last year to see them with aerosmith. KISS always puts on the best show you will ever see..

but, i do agree, its just not the same without seeing ace up there doing his 'whiskey stagger'!!


You know what I'd like to know, is where in the hell did they dig up this guy they've got playing lead now?

I know of Eric Singer, I mean shoot, he's played for for a lot of people prior to joining Kiss when he did, but this guy they've got filling Aces shoes, come on. He doesn't even look right. lol

There's only been one replacement, if you want to call him that, that I liked just as well, and that was Eric Carr. Man that guy could play.

I got to hang out with him once when they made their way through town during their Hot In The Shade tour. I could say a lot about that guy, but one thing that always stands out is, he was by far one of the nicest guys I've never had the pleasure of knowing. It truely was an awsome experience getting to jam with him, one experience I'll never forget.

Damn cancer, it's robbed us of too many good people through out time.

Sutter Cane
Posted By: dmn23 Re: SC........the early KISS CD's........ - 08/15/04 03:52 PM
I'm very upset to report there's another one to add to the list.
Posted By: Daphoid Re: SC........the early KISS CD's........ - 08/16/04 12:46 PM
I have the same color of habits problem... how the hell I ever listened to music without the resounding, earth shaking, heart pleasing, rumble... of a SVS subwoofer, I'll never know...

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