The HT room I’ve been painfully….slowly building, was going to be a bedroom. I could use a HT more than another bedroom, but I don’t want a potential buyer of the home (when I sell), to be stuck with a HT if they want another bedroom.

So I’m running smurf tube from the closet to the speaker locations, and I’m running 2” conduit to the projector area from the closet. All the electronics are going in the closet. The closet is the typical 6’ X 2’ with sliding doors. All the gear will fit just fine, and the conduit and smurf tube will be terminated into a cable tray that no one will notice if this ‘gear rack’ area ever gets turned into a closet again. I’m also building a screen wall, but no stage. The wall will be “floated” over the hardwood going on the floors. The window will get some tight fitting light-block blinds (which are very common in Alaska, and work well).

For sound proofing, the walls and ceiling get sound bats (tight cell fiberglass), and a layer of insulating board – that black crap that itches like crazy and is a nightmare to install because little pieces fall down your shirt……uggg….. But, it’s cheap and works well. Sheet rock will go over the sound board, and some Knotty T&G Pine will be placed up the walls 24” as a wainscoting. Not decided, but I may put the pine on the ceiling as well, just to match the rest of the house.

Now for colors, I’m going with a dark walnut hard wood floor, and a latex satin, dark grey and red paint on the walls, and a satin clear coat on the pine. I hate flat paint because it’s just too friggin hard to keep little kids fingerprints off of it. And semi-gloss will be too reflective.

Will it all work??? Beats the hell out of me, but I’m giving it go anyway. And if a new owner wants to convert this room back to a bedroom, all they will have to do is remove the screen wall and throw some different paint on the walls.