Yes, It's been about 3 weeks now, I have messed with them every day for hours. I am very happy with the placement-FINALLY. They are placement sensative. I was real happy, then I listened the other day and thought what is going on now?? Come to find out the right main (AC cord)was accidently unplugged by my wife! They are now about 3 feet off the wall. I find the Ascent-i to have a very large sweet spot compare to the Aeon, and Aerius model that have more narrow esl panels. I personally found the Theater to significantly out-perform the cinema CC, but at about $3K for a CC it should get ya a beer on demand!! I am very pleased with their sound with the Sunfires, so clear, and so fast, not the best for heavy rock/metal, but vocals, stings, jazz, classical etc. are to droll over. Some of the best I have ever heard.

But on the downside, they are huge, (but look awesome)expensive, and finiky on placement. I thought the 3.6 Magneplaner had a "slight" 2 channel edge, but no comparison on HT due to Magneplanar other surround products. The Maggies were also "ugly" IMO, but a fine sounding 2 channel speaker. The QS-8s sound great as side surrounds with the other ML speakers.

Sunfire amps & processor Sammy 50" Crown amp 2-SVS SS Maple Ultras, Axiom 60s,22s,150cc, QS8s