1) I think your room is too small for the 80’s. 60’s should work just dandy. Put the extra cash into good electronics, or don’t, it’s all about want, and not need when audio gear selection is considered.
2) About a foot or so from the back. Don’t know about the sides, I have a lot of room and it’s not an issue for me.
3) If your pre / pro has tone controls, then I’d say no. I like a little more bass than most around here, and I run a sub for music with the 1070 set flat, but if I use the L1 setting (+ 3 db bass), I turn the sub off. I reckon the right answer for that question is how much Thump-Thump do you like? The 80’s will flat out hit you in chest with bass though. Don’t have a clue about the 60’s.
4) My personal take is that their sound is extremely close to Paradigm Studio 100’s. I don’t think they sound much like B&W. Some folks think they sound like the 704’s, but I don’t. To be real honest, only you can answer that question; it’s too subjective.
5) I would say no, but JohnK will tell you yes. He’s smarter than I, so he’s probably right.
6) NAD is a worthy consideration in the same price range as Rotel. There’s something about Outlaws that I don’t like, but I can’t quite figure out what that is. I think that they just “seem” cheap to me. I have no experience with them, so just forget I said that.