just to add, you know it, I know it, everyone here knows it, the 60's will do just fine.

Now, with that out of the way, if you are anything like most of us, get the 80's.

My thoughts were like this. I knew I'd always want to get the 80's down the road. And I know I am not staying in this small house I am in now.

My room is 11x17x8 with carpet, sub floor, basment. The first few months i had the 80's, they were in another room, 11x14, hardwood, upstairs.

Are the 80's "too Much" for your room....nope. But the 60's will be fine as well. I keep them about 12" from back wall, and that again from corners.

Would I power them with a 235....nope. But the rotel should be very very nice.

Do you need a sub? Depends on the amp or receiver. With my Carver pre/pro powering the 80's, I did not "need" a sub for music. With the NAD I had, i indeed needed a sub. It's got more to do with the tone controls as someone already stated then just power. Also has even more to do with personal taste and ear. How much bass do you really want? And how loud do you typically play it?

But, you have a really good sub. Once you get used to listening to that sub, I just can't live without it. That being said, I do turn it off at time late at night to take it easy on the neighbors, and the 80's still sound great. Using a 4600 yammie now btw.

EP500/800/HSU VTF3/SVS PB2k/SB2k/SB-12