Depending on how firm your wife, is on the 2500$ mark, if you can get her to go up maybe 200$. You could get m60’s vp150 qs8’s and an ep500 all FO.. and with the ep500 I think you would get a LOT more bottom end.. also don’t know how you feel about ordering from the factory outlet. But the axiom factory outlet is about the best you can get, when I ordered my ep600 me and 4 or 5 of my buddes all looked at the sub when it arrived and no one could find anything wrong with the sub.. just another idea…but if she is firm on 2500, then maybe forgo the sub for a little bit, save the left overs, and then go for the ep500 a bit later? The only reason I push the ep500 so much is the fact of the HUGE difference you will notice between the sub you have chosen and the axiom one. But in the end, it is your decision, and you will have to decide what you want to do..