I like the calling on clutching and grabbing, great to see speed back in the NHL. However, I think they might be slightly over zealous, as I've seen a lot of things called that had almost no impact on the play. Two many pointless powerplays will hurt the game as well. Also, diving seems to be way up, and often its isn't being called. The refs see a player down, they call a penalty. Its very early however, so I'm sure they'll make adjustments.
I think the limited goalie puck playing rule is rediculous. It punishes talented stick handling goalies, while making no real gains for the game.
I like the pentalty for directly shooting a puck out of the rink. It was a cheap way to get a whistle before, and slowed things down.
Great to see tag up offsides back.
I like the red line removal. Makes the trap less effective, or rather a lot more difficult to play. It was killing the game. I like seeing risky two line passes, either leading to a big break, or resulting in a brief 5 on 4. Either way, its good.
I hate the shoot-out. Hockey is a team sport, and one TEAM has to beat abother TEAM. Shootouts put a very few skilled players against a goalie to settle a game which could mean a lot. Does baseball settle a tie with a home run derby? Does bastketball settle a tie with a slam dunk competition? No. I personally think its just a cheap trick to get casual viewers to see more excitement. As a die hard fan I think its dumb.