I haven't seen a lot of pucks intentionally shot out to get a whistle, usually it seems accidental. If most are intentional, then I'd agree it's a good rule, my jury is still out.

Regarding the shootout, yes it is absolutly a cheap trick to bring in casual fans. Is that a problem? I see your point about it being a team sport, but the NHL as a busness is on very shaky ground (ice I guess). If they don't do something to increase the fan base, there will be no hockey for anyone, or at least major reduction in the number of teams. Same thing with the goalie puck handling restrictions. It was intentionally done to keep the puck in the offensive zone longer to increase scoring. Purists hate it, businessmen like it. More goals scored equals more fans. Since my wife is employed in the NHL I want them to be financially successful. Plus I like high scoring games too.