My rubberband gun is an effectively concealed weapon.

I'm sure others of you have tried this, but for those who haven't:

Hook a rubberband first over the tip of your little finger and tuck that finger tightly against the palm of your hand, just as you would if you were pointing your index finger at someone.

Now pull the rubberband back across your palm and around behind your hand and behind your upward pointing thumb.

The thumb is an effective "gun sight"

Got it?

Now pull it toward your extended index finger and hook it right on the end of the finger, no; the very end, like sittin' on a telephone pole.

Remember telephone poles? That's when phones came over cables, and TV came over the air.

Anyway the first shot is set.

Take a few practice shots at unsespecting fellow employees or understanding supervisors. They well probably retalliate and work will effectively stop for a few moments.

Now you are ready for Phase Two: Putting a rubberband on the remainder of the fingers....on both hands!!!

At this point you have the "equivalent" of a fully loaded "Six Shooter"!! Be sure to release the bands in the proper sequence though, or they will tangle and you'll be embarassed.

Most Gals who witness these activities are like our Moms' though; they'll remind us that, like watchin' the "Three Stooges" or playing with B-B guns, we can put an eye out doin' these things.