In reply to:

Many of us are perhaps less cluckin' but more computer illiterate than we'd really like to admit even to ourselves(let alone openly and to the entire world!!!)

It has been brought to my attention that I may have acted a bit rashly in my judgment of certain individuals for their lack of participation in this thread. I should have first considered other possible reasons for their behavior. These days are challenging and it’s not easy to stay abreast of technology. What with networking, web hosting, ftp, dsl, digital capture, file conversion, uploading and a new OS to learn every 6 months it’s amazing we get anything done at all.

After careful consideration and in the spirit of being a good neighbor I would like to send my heartfelt apology to any one who’s feelings I might have hurt and certainly to all those who fall into the category mentioned above. I would also like to apologize to our fine feathered friends. I meant no slander by comparing you cute little things to some of the characters in this forum.

That said there are some who do not fall into the above mentioned category.
All I can say to you is

"Life is what happens while your busy making other plans" John Lennon