X-Men 3, which is taking flack for casting Kelsey Grammer as Hank McCoy (of which I'll be interested in seeing how the ol' boy handles the "Beast crouch" or the "hang upside down and read") - I'm hoping this movie doesn't bury the lineage they've created so far.

So far the casting seems to be bang on... though I would have never guessed Hugh "Leopold" Jackman as Wolverine, or Halle Berry as Storm, but for the new one, Shawn Ashmore looks the part of Bobby Drake, Ben Foster as Warren Worthington I'll have to see, and Ellen Page (best known to us Canadians as Mr. Leahy's daughter on Trailer Park Boys) should make a good Kitty Pride.

(edit: just realized Bobby Drake was already in the second movie...)

Bren R.

Last edited by BrenR; 12/23/05 08:58 PM.