bren, yeah i agree about x3. i really want it to be good, but with all the crap I've been hearing about how bad Brett Ratner is, the sheer number of mutant characters in the flick, and the general ill will towards the casting I can't help but start to doubt. The teaser for the flick was pretty good, but the never showed Beast in action.(And Jean Grey in short shorts is always good! ) That's probably gonna be the toughest part of the movie, trying to show off the legendary Beast agility...but I've got hope. And personally I think Kelsey Grammer was an inspired bit of casting, he can do the brains (Frasier) mixed in with the sense of fun(Periscope Down, gotta love that flick!).

bugbitten- are you talking about the old George Reeves show? the one where the criminals would unload all six shots at Supes with him standing there taking it in the chest, but when they throw the gun he ducks? they just released that on DVD a couple of months ago, i've yet to get it though. it's definitely on the list!

p.s.- and was that a "fastball special" towards the end of the X3 trailer?? sure looked like it! woohoo!!

Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?