
I have a pair of early M3tiSEs that I had used as mains for a couple years til I purchased a set of M50s to replace them in a larger home.(They are now my near full-range surrounds; luv 'em!) They had a published set of NRC curves that are somewhat different than the curves currently listed here in the Axiom web site.

While the early ones showed a slightly prominent bass hump followed by a rather consistent remainder of the plot, the new one displays a similar bass hump and mids but are followed by the treble region raising up to approximately the same db level as the bass. Different, but still a strong family resemblance. Actually slots the curve of the new M3 right in the middle between my early M3s and my new M50s(just what I would have asked Axiom to do if I could have. Hey, works for me!!!) I know...we listen to speakers, not plots, but they're fun to look at and try to analyze!

I then purchased a current(new non-SE)single M3 to use as a center channel. I can't say that it sounds exactly the same as my older M3s as I didn't have the oportunity to listen to them all in the old familiar listening room in the old house. But the new one sometimes-in center duties-points out quite succinctly whenever the mic being used isn't up to standard, or the VU guy isn't doing his job properly!(Who all noticed that they used at least seven different mics in the "Pirates of the Caribbean"?)

It seems as though my old M3s were a little kinder to bad recordings, while the new one is perhaps just a bit more honest in its' appraisal. As a center channel, it's a uniquely gorgeous device to have around!