Thanks for the suggestion Rick. The guy who is helping me..... Wait, that's not right. The friend who offered to provide his impressive expertise and skills to this project is who I will be helping. He has all the toys, including the nail gun. Also a very nice mitre saw and other "surprises" (as he explained) that will assist in the effort.

I'm not at the point where my wife cries when I pick up a power tool, but he is simply remarkable. This is his way of returning the favor for the many days I spent helping him while he was involved in building his Finger Lakes retirement home this summer.

We're figuring 2-3 of days framing and alike amount of time with the electrical. I am going to farm out the entire drywall piece and do the painting. He comes back for the ceiling. Then I'll have the carpeting installed. After that, he'll do the molding. Then I'll noodle around with some DIY acoustic treatment.

We'll go at this aggressively and I'm hoping for a mid to end of March completion.

BTW - let's not hijack this thread on this subject. The subject is too precious and I'd like to see Jack enjoy it.
