willy: I came within a knat's hair of buying a Samsung 6168. I just couldn't pull the trigger with the DLP technology and Samsungs QC issues. When I saw a Sony SXRD next to the 6168, the Sony won hands down.

I looked and considered, and looked and considered some more for over 6 months.

Go to a store and look at both, side by side, on the same feed. Look a long time at both. Go home, read some of the boards. Then, go back and take a longer look at both of them side by side.

When you look at the shading, contrast, edge effects and black levels, the SXRD will win, hands down!!!!!

The Rat. M80s, VP-150, QS8s, SVS PC 20-39+, OPPO, Onkyo 703s, Harmony 880 Sony 60" SXRD HDTV