Now you're joggin my memory buddy. lol

I think they did, it's been a few years ago. Not that long really, but with my schedule, I'm lucky if I remember what I did yesterday. lol

I can give them a call and ask what they're readings were before and after.

I would think your idea would work out ok. I have yet to do anything that indepth with my theater room, simply because we'll be moving into our new house within the next two years (having started construction yet). That being said, I'll be running these very same trap lines before too long, for I'm going all out and custom designing my new theater in our soon to be new house. Well, technically I guess you could say we're doing that with the whole house in general.

I'm sorry I can't be more help to ya. I just haven't got that far along with that aspect at this point in time.
