I've been married to the same gal now for goin' on 39 years, and it seems the pretty natural thing to do.

We were in a church choir a few years back(not "overly" religious, just like to sing)but the wife was also the choir directors' secretary and often after choir practice we'd end up sticking around a bit after everyone else had left, finishing up.

Often, just for giggles, I'd try to get out of the place earlier by suggesting that nature intended that the wife and I must sneak home quick while the kids were still asleep!

The choir director, a young man nearly our age, whould sometimes kiddingly comment: "May I watch?"

I was flattered that he would be interested in my wife and must have found her attractive! But that of course it was out of the question!!

Later on; we discovered that he was in fact gay, and was apparently more interested in....!!

Ok....guess at that point I was EVEN MORE flattered, although I'm sure my face turned red, when he later would again say: "May I watch?"!