Thanks Ajax! That is exactly what I was looking for. I think that Bug gave it to me months ago, but, like I said, I was cleaning up my desk and threw it away.

I have put it in a better place, now. LOL!!!

Anyone look at that information link? If so, how do you like it?

I spent most of the day working on income taxes. UGH!!! Have the Federal done, now to do the State. It is pretty easy with Turbo Tax after you do the Federal. It imports the data. I think that will wait until tomorrow. Good thing is that it currently appears that I will get a nice refund. Maybe it will go for a seperate amp, that is, if I can figure out which one I want.

The Rat. M80s, VP-150, QS8s, SVS PC 20-39+, OPPO, Onkyo 703s, Harmony 880 Sony 60" SXRD HDTV