If I could buy a 1920 x 1080 50 inch plasma for a price anywhere close to the cost of the SXRD, I would do it. I think a plasma's picture is stunning. I still have a Sony 42 inch 1024 x 1024.

The 500U is 1366 x 768. Still a great picture. And high WAF for slim design.

We watch a lot of SD tv. The 4 x 3 looks better than the stretched (zoomed) picture in most cases. No worry about burn in with the SXRD. After three years letterbox lines were starting to show on the plasma from the number of non-16x9 movies we watch.

My son has the Samsung 56 1080 DLP. He would recommend it as well.

We looked hard at the Mitsubitsu as well.

For me. I love everything about the SXRD except the "ears".

Good luck!