Well, I am on the verge of being re-born for HT. We moved to what will be our retirement home last June. In downsizing, we ended up with everything on one floor. The great room is terrific, but the open floor plan doesn't lend itself to placement of 5 speakers and a sub.

Since the first weekend in January, a friend and I have been working to finish a basement room that is 20' x 28'. This weekend we will hang 3 doors, finish the small remaining pice of the ceiling, put the molding on the walls and finish hooking up the electric. The carpeting comes Tuesday morning.

First order of business on Tuesday afternoon will be to bring the TV stand and 50" LCD from their spare bedroom location and pull the boxed up speakers from the other side of the bedromm and - FINALLY- hook it all up. This will be followed by many hours of catching up with my music and watching the DVDs I have been stockpiling to watch on the full system.

I'll make do until the new furniture arrives at the end of April, but having the system back in place will be a slice of pure heaven.