Hi All,

Thank you all for your time and comments.

After reading all your recommedations, I am sold on M60's too. I have some furniture re-arrangement to sort out before I order these. Still dont know if these will end up in the living room or the bedroom.

The living room arrangement requires a furniture re-shuffle (maybe). The M22Ti's are perfect for the 9-inch ledge at the window level in my living room. Whereas the M60's are 15-inches deep and also much taller (floorstanders). Which means I have to move them off the ledge and onto the Seating Area (see layout). This would mean making new cushions with cut out sections for the speakers and most importantly it will mean taking away seating for 2 persons.

I will work more on this later as I dont think I have much options if I want to use M60's in the living room.

Is it OK for the M60's to be at 17-inches height from the ground on a wooden cabinet ? The tweeter will end up being slightly higher (2 or 3 inches more) than the current M22Ti position.

The bedroom floor near the TV cabinet is empty so it would be definitely easier to position the M60's there. But that would make my listening area(seat) only 7-1/2 or 8 feet away from the speakers and I may not get that great a soundstage from so close (as Alan has pointed out).

Is anybody using the M60's at such a close range for 2-channel stereo ?

Alan, it is indeed an armadillo (CG). And in the full size version, it does look like a guitar.

Thanks again for your comments.