It says something when a board full of eearly adopters (you're pretty much part of the gang if you chat - for fun - about AV technology on the web) are going to wait and are also mad at the industry for jerking around with the technology (greedily so, I might add). You would think that a group like us woudl simply let by-gones be by-gones and purchase the best technology - this apparently isn't so...which I think is a big problem for all the High Def video purveyors.

My take - I think that I can wait many years for the storm to subside and prices to drop drastically. DVD looks pretty darn good, as near as perfect as I demand these days, anyway. I just don't know if I perceive the value of the HD DVD/Blue Ray product. I am not that into the bonus features as I rarely even have time to enjoy the feature itself uninterrupted, let alone a whole weekend to sit through making of featurettes that, frankly, tend to ruin the experience for me (I like my movie magic like my regular magic - unknown - helps with the suspension of disbelief for me).

I think that both of these formats will whither on the vine - to be usurped by online downloads of material directly to HTPCs or On Demand via cable boxes, etc. I predict the High Def video format will live on in historical obscurity similar to the Laser Disc - known, but never accepts or utilized by the masses.