Capn Pickard, I agree that most DVD looks really good, but I have a HDTV fornt projector and a 104" screen, so I want a HD format so that I don't see artifacts and the grain of lesser quality DVD transfers. You just notice the lack of quality when you blow up an image that big, even with upconversion technology "filling" in what it can. Not all DVDs are bad, just some are worse than others, and I just can't wait for true HD on that big screen.

As for Home Dad, I wouldn't mind a PS3. I really liked playing a friend's 360 a couple of months ago, but I just don't have time. Too many hobbies for me. I love games, but just don't have time to feel comfortable dropping $300 (or whatever) on a PS3 plus $55 a pop per game just to play every now and then. Granted, there is value if it can dub as a Blu-Ray player though, so you never know.

Farewell - June 4, 2020