With the current 76" diagonal 4:3 screen, the lens I have on the Infocus Screenplay4805 will let me zoom in to max and the 4:3 fills the screen (the side bars are on the wall on either side). But with 16:9, I zoom out to max and it fills the screen horizontally, but makes letterbox bars.

The setup I am planning on is to leave the zoom out to max such that if it's less than 16:9, it's full height and there are bars on the side. But if it's more than 16:9 then it fills horizontally and starts making letterbox bars. Once mounted on the ceiling, I won't be able to reach the zoom control or focus without a stepladder.

What A Pain.

Better get it right the first time!

BethR - El Dorado Hills, CA
To thine own self be true.