I have calibrated my Z4 as best I can and HD tv is very satisfying. However, many movies appear darker than I would like and a good example is The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. I really liked the movie but some scenes, like when Lucy and Susan were walking with Aslan in the night were very dark. I missed this movie in the theater so I don't know if that is how it should be or if I need to tweak my Z4 futher. I watch on a Greywolf screen in a light controlled room.

With regard to King Kong, many scenes have what photgraphers would call blown highlights. Many scenes shot in bright sunlight have overexposed highilghts and areas in deep shadow. I don't know if this is a limitation of my Z4 PJ's dynamic range or if the theatrical release had the same look.

Any other PJ people think Narnia was on the dark side? How about King Kong having blown highlights?
