I've read lots of good things about using a Gilmore lite with Grado/Alessandros, and it IS pretty tempting.

The biggest problem I'm having with going with ANY amp at the moment is how easy the MS-1s are to drive. Even our old Sony PCDP is able to drive them easily with nearly no loss of SQ over the mid-level Onkyo phone-output stage of our main system.

The main reason for even looking closely at amps is the fact that I will most likely go with the Alessandro MS-2s as my final stop on the cans train(although the MS-PRO Woodies are pretty darned enticing!!)but I do need to upgrade my source devices as well as final amplification to make the final 'phone update worthwhile.


What really stinks, is not following the directions listed over on the Head-Fi forum:

"Get your cans and leave this place....FOREVER"


"Sorry about your Wallet!"

And it's true!! I really like my MS-1s,....A Lot!!

So, why do we humans do this to ourselves??!!

Why do we openly subject ourselves to rampant unbridled "Upgraditus"??!!
