Mike, I thank the powers that be for your safety and well being. I live in the Northern tip of "Tornado Alley" and while I've never had one close enough to place me in danger, there have been a few devastating ones within 50 miles of me. In fact, the largest single tornado outbreak in U.S. history took place just south of me in Zenia, OH in 1974. 95 significant tornadoes, including 30 F4 and F5 tornadoes, over a 2 day period.

I know EXACTLY what you mean about the physical presence of the conditions that can spawn tornadoes. As you say, the sky and air take on qualities that set off some primitive, visceral alarm in our bodies that fills us with a sense of foreboding and fear. It's just flat out scary.

I am SO relieved to hear you came through this unscathed.


"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - G. K. Chesterton