
Very strange. I'm not sure what kind of warranty you have on those, but ours are next business day on-site for clients and 4-hour on-site for servers. They offer on-site for any repair but for most things we just have them send the part and replace it ourselves. This of course does not void the warranty. I just don't know what to say but my experience has been completely opposite of yours. I can't even imagine the hailstorm of sh!t my boss would bring down on our Dell rep if something like that happened. Damn HDDs. Can't wait until the NAND based ones are cheap and available. Oh well. There's a reason it is policy here that each employee is responsible for their data, and given a large backed up network share to store their critical stuff. If their HDD barfs and they haven't copied their work to the network drive in a week, well, they are deep doodoo.

"That's some catch, that Catch-22." "It's the best there is." M22ti VP150 EP350 QS8 M3Ti