slightly off topic but how do you like your Sony 60 inch SXRD. was thinking of the 50' version, have heard some good and bad things so it's on my list. went to see the sony 50' SXRD, and a 50ish dlp by samsung today, wasn't overly impressed by either, one store was showing the movie contact with jodie foster from cables hbo and in my opinion all there sets looked awful, well maybe not awful but not good enough to drop 3 grand on. another store had the 50' sony with the bottom right 1/4 of the screen with a green tinge on it.the sales man said it had to do with unshielded speakers, where do CC hire these guys.this is my price range and i've just started to look. i think the next generation sony sxrd might even handle 1080p input when it comes out around nov. but i'm at a lose. anyone with some good recomendations would be helpful, i don't even need speakers since my full axiom order is finally setup,except of course my svs sub. thanks in advance to all those who have done the leg work and are happy.