Never went the central vac route. Nope, just wouldn't do. Mama NEEDED a Kirby. HAD to have one. Not just that, but if there was an attachment available - needed to have it too.

Went to the Kirby store and the salesman said, "Let me giuve you a demonstration". Just that quickly, my wife said, "That's not necessary; just show me the top of the line." That was quickly followed by, "We'll take it and I want one of everything that goes with it". (BTW - if someone needs to be able to sweep out the the second stomach of a cow or steam clean & polish the inside of the crankcase of one of the drilling machines used to tunnel under the English Channel - we HAVE the attachment)

Once the Kirby and everything available were all stacked up in the showroom, we were presented with the bill. My wife was pretty good and said, if you take 20% off, you won't have to take everything back to the storeroom". He did, we bought it and left.

We had argued for a couple of days before going to buy it, but she won and I didn't get what I wanted. Very disappointing too. I am pretty sure my Rolls Royce would have been a bit less expensive, even with the solid gold bumpers.

Of course, this experience has paved a nice path to creating my Home Theater (not that I ever bring it up).

Yeah - so I'm not gonna talk about vacuums again!!!