
That switch would work just fine--you don't really care about brand, other than quality. I wouldn't touch D-Link if you paid me.

Statics would be configured on the workstation. As long as you're putting them outside of your DHCP range, you shouldn't have a problem. It'll probably work better for filtering on that little Linksys router, anyway.

Any little switch should do. Again, I'm not sure you need to do it, but it should work fine.

I don't run the DHCP server running on my 54G because I run a Unix server with that sort of thing, but if I did I would keep a very small DHCP pool. Just enough to get the job done, like enough for each node plus maybe 1 or 2 extra for visitors.

Now, if you have your children on machines using DHCP, you can create an access policy and apply it to their MAC addresses. Now that I think of it this is the best way to go. If your little terrors have admin rights they could change their IP-Addrs to bypass the policy. But they can't (very easily, anyway) change their MAC.

"That's some catch, that Catch-22." "It's the best there is." M22ti VP150 EP350 QS8 M3Ti