As far as the DIY gene goes...I've built every computer I've owned as well as my family's and close friends for over10 years now. That's what I mean by DIY. As far as Native Command Queing I believe A) Most if not all newer SATA drives have it in their logic and B) A bit needs to be flipped at the OS level for it to be active. I wouldn't be suprised if "Leopard" implements this performance enhancement.

Thanks for the input. The ability to choose the best available components at commodity price is the essence of the DIY geek. Glad to hear the Mac is amenable to DIY periphs.

BTW I recently leveraged my new CS degree into a new job as Director of Information Services at a credit union here in the PDX area. Good things do indeed come to those who toil. Had to give up my G4 Powerbook but am going to start acquiring MacBook Pros here as soon as the Merom chips are available on that platform. Bootcamp here I come! By then I suspect the teething problems vis-a-vis batteries, fans, and noise will be worked out. As a Uni/Linu/x stalwart I am frothing at the mouth. Our CU employs an HP-UX host at it's core and I couldn't be happier. Actually we are replacing it within a couple of years and I'm pushing for an IBM z-Series . Caloo, callay! What a frabjous day! GEEkgeekgeekgeek!!! I think I just had an orgasm.


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